Estrazione a premi
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Per partecipare all'estrazione

Cari soci e fan del marchio MIRU!

Borsa per laptop donna Rosa 1035
Lo zaino funzionale e leggero di MIRU, realizzato in materiale resistente e leggero, è dotato di un ampio scomparto principale con spazio per un computer portatile da 12" a 15,6" e di una cinghia di sicurezza con chiusura a velcro. ⭐️KEY CARATTERISTICHE: Utilizzo fino a 15,6 pollici. Materiale impermeabile. Spallacci comodi e ampi. Tasca per telefono e piccoli oggetti. Supporto traspirante per favorire la respirazione.
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Regole di partecipazione
Tenetevi aggiornati su tutti i premi in palio
Seguite i nostri aggiornamenti e partecipate ai nostri omaggi mensili iscrivendovi alla nostra newsletter.
Possibilità di vittoria
Le probabilità di vincita dipendono dal numero di partecipanti e dagli indirizzi e-mail forniti. Utilizziamo una selezione casuale per garantire l'equità e l'integrità dell'estrazione.
Come si determinano i vincitori
I vincitori saranno selezionati in modo casuale sulla base degli indirizzi e-mail forniti dai partecipanti.
How do I enter the prize draw?
It is necessary to subscribe to our email newsletter and follow the news. More information about the prizes can be found on this page
What are the odds of winning?
The odds of winning our drawings depend on several factors, including the number of entrants and the specific rules of each drawing. We strive to provide a fair and equitable experience for all participants. The more participants, the more competitive the raffle becomes.
Our draws are conducted under transparent rules and winners are selected with these rules in mind. Many of our draws also include a random selection of the winner, which means that every entrant has an equal chance of winning.
To find out more information about the chances of winning a particular draw, we recommend reading the rules published for each individual event. We appreciate your participation and wish you good luck!
When and how will the winners be announced?
Information about the date of announcement of winners and methods of notification is available in the description of the draw.
How will the winners be chosen?
Winners will be determined using random selection among the email addresses that entrants have provided. Our team will use a randomizer to fairly select the winners. This process ensures fairness and transparency in the giveaway.
Once the winners are selected, we will create a video of the process. This video will be published on our social media pages as well as on the raffle page on our website. In this way, everyone will be able to see how the winners were selected and to verify the fairness of the raffle.
How do I contact the raffle organizers for more information or to ask questions?
You can contact us by this mail